Thursday, December 31, 2009

Junior Miner

With the vallue of fiat currencies likely to encounter another rough bounce down, the natural rush worldwide for natural resources should prove to be the long term trend. The world is connecting more rapidly than ever. The internet and overnight shipping are makng incredible, unprecedented, and what would used to be implausible acuallly happen...

Canada is replete with small undervalued companies which deal in the exploration, financing, and extraction of things like precious and base meatls as well as oil and uranium. Western Canada especially is the place most likely on earth to have the things people from other parts of the world are looking for, and looking for goood reason. It helps that China has a direct shipping route to BC. Empty shipping containers litter the ports now, but the Chinese are loading up on har materials with the US Treasuries they have been purchasing.

Everyone used to complain that the Chinese were artifically deflating their currency, but he clamor has long since passed, and now the penultimaete queston of the moent is, is China's econom going to have a sever correction, or will it run hard for another 5-10 years. No one can say for certain. It's impossible to know. But China wants what BC has, you can be sure of that. And the best part of that is that a junior miner cannot lie to you anywhere near the way a financial ssector equity analyst can to pump a stock. Hard assets are either there or they arent. Management teams can either spend and hire wisely and help create geologic theories that will prove true, or they can fritter away their time and resources and funding and go belly up rapidly. This is a dangerous sector, by the way, but lets disuss that later\

So I want to write like I'm talking to you...because I want you to know what I know and I want you to understand what I think and share it with ou so we can share the experience and part of the reason I love talking to you is that you love to laugh, and you love to laugh at me.

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